ERACS Python Interface 1.0.1 (02/12/20)


These web pages describe the ERACS Python Interface which can be used to run ERACS calculations programmatically using the Python programming language.


Dominic Edhouse, Clive Wickham, Kevin Davey

Supported Python Versions

  • Python 3.5+ 32-bit


The ERACS Python Interface was developed with Python 3.5+ and the Interface may work with older versions of Python, but for best reliability use up-to-date versions of both Python and the Interface. For more information on setting up Python and the Interface, view Python Setup.

Supported Virtual Environment Versions

  • Python 3.7+ 32-bit

The Python Interface setup wizard uses venv to create the virtual environment. Venv differs between Python versions, and Python 3.7+ is recommended to ensure the ERACS Python Editor works.

Notable Changes From Previous Interface Version