Constants Module

Inheritance diagram of Constants

ERACS Constants contains all constants used throughout the ERACS Python Interface.

class CommonErrorNumbers

Error numbers which are common amongst all calculation modules (Loadflow/ Fault/Impedance/Injection) belong and can be accessed from this common errors class.


It’s important to call Initialise before checking return code details via the lookup dictionary. return codes will differ depending on which calculation module you’re using. Initialisation allows you to specify what the program number is (1 for Loadflow, 2 for Fault, etc…)

static Initialise(AProgramNum)

Initialise all the error numbers to include a program number. The error codes differ by program number depending on which calculation module is returning the error code.


Initialise(1) 1001 = Loadflow general error

Initialise(2) 2001 = Fault general error …